
Inflammation of subcutaneous adipose tissue. [panniculus + G. -itis, inflammation]
- α1-antitrypsin deficiency p. multiple painful subcutaneous nodules occurring in patients with severe antitrypsin deficiency; biopsies show lobular p. with neutrophils and foamy histiocytes. Some patients formerly diagnosed with Weber-Christian disease show this deficiency.
- cytophagic histiocytic p. obsolete term for chronic lobular p. with infiltration by histiocytes that have phagocytized red blood cells, leukocytes, and platelets; a hemorrhagic diathesis or T cell lymphoma may result.
- lupus erythematosus p. p. characterized by erythematous or flesh-colored nodules associated with lupus erythematosus, especially of the discoid variety, on the face, upper extremities, and trunk, and with nodular infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the fat lobules.
- poststeroid p. subcutaneous nodules developing in children within a month after withdrawal of corticosteroids given to treat the nephrotic syndrome or rheumatic fever; microscopically identical to subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn, the condition resolves spontaneously or with steroid readministration.
- relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative p. recurrent subcutaneous nodules accompanied by fever and followed by depression of the skin on involution. The nodules show a neutrophilic lobular p. with necrosis, lipid phagocytosis, and subsequent fibrosis. A majority of cases can be classified as factitious, or secondary to α1-antitrypsin deficiency, lupus profundus, pancreatic (enzymatic) fat necrosis, or cytophagic histiocytic p.. Cases of undetermined cause have been called Weber-Christian disease or syndrome. SYN: Christian disease (2), Weber-Christian disease.
- subacute migratory p. nonscarring plaques of changing configuration on the lateral aspect of one or both legs, of many months duration. Biopsy shows septal p. with fibrosis and giant cells. SYN: erythema nodosum migrans.

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pan·nic·u·li·tis pə-.nik-yə-'līt-əs n
1) inflammation of the subcutaneous layer of fat
2) a syndrome characterized by recurring fever and usu. painful inflammatory and necrotic nodules in the subcutaneous tissues esp. of the thighs, abdomen, or buttocks called also relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis, Weber-Christian disease

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(Weber-Christian disease)
inflammation of the layer of fat beneath the skin, leading to multiple tender nodules in the legs and trunk.

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pan·nic·u·li·tis (pə-nik″u-liґtis) [panniculus + -itis] an inflammatory reaction of the subcutaneous adipose tissue; two primary categories are distinguished, depending on the site, called predominantly lobular p. and predominantly septal p. Cf. steatitis. Called also adipositis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.