
The excretion of one or more pentoses in elevated amounts in the urine.
- alimentary p. the urinary excretion of l-arabinose and l-xylose, as the result of the excessive ingestion of fruits containing these pentoses.
- essential p. [MIM*260800] a benign heritable disorder in which the urinary output of l-xylulose is 1–4 g/24 h; it occurs principally in Ashkenazi Jewish individuals; autosomal recessive inheritance. SYN: l-xylulosuria, primary p..
- primary p. SYN: essential p..

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pen·tos·uria .pen-tōs-'(y)u̇r-ē-ə n the excretion of pentoses in the urine specif a rare hereditary anomaly characterized by regular excretion of pentoses

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an inborn defect of sugar metabolism causing abnormal excretion of pentose in the urine. There are no serious ill-effects.

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pen·tos·uria (pen″to-suґre-ə) excretion of pentoses in the urine. pentosuric adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.