The mental process of becoming aware of or recognizing an object or idea; primarily cognitive rather than affective or conative, although all three aspects are manifested. SYN: esthesia (1).
- extrasensory p. (ESP) p. by means other than through the ordinary senses; e.g., telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition.
- simultaneous p. a combination of two slightly dissimilar images into a single image.
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per·cep·tion pər-'sep-shən n awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation <color \perception> <some sensation of \perception of the extremity after amputation is felt by 98% of patients (Orthopedics & Traumatic Surgery)> compare SENSATION (1a)
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(in psychology) the process by which information about the world, as received by the senses, is analysed and made meaningful. Abnormalities of perception include hallucination, illusion, and agnosia.
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per·cep·tion (pər-sepґshən) [L. percipere to take in completely] the conscious mental registration of a sensory stimulus.Medical dictionary. 2011.