1. SYN: filtration. 2. Extraction of the soluble portion of a solid mixture by passing a solvent liquid through it. 3. Passage of saliva or other fluids into the interface between tooth structure and restoration; sometimes induced by thermal changes. [L. percolatio, fr. per- + colare, to strain]
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per·co·la·tion .pər-kə-'lā-shən n
1) the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium
2) a method of extraction or purification by means of filtration
3) the process of extracting the soluble constituents of a powdered drug by passage of a liquid through it
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per·co·la·tion (pur″kə-laґshən) [L. percolatio] the extraction of the soluble parts of a drug by causing a solvent liquid to flow slowly through it.Medical dictionary. 2011.