- Bruce p. a method of graduated, increasingly strenuous exercise testing to determine the severity of coronary artery disease.
- Bruce p. a standardized p. for electrocardiogram-monitored exercise using increasing speeds and elevations of the treadmill; a test for ischemia usually due to coronary artery disease. SEE ALSO: stress test.
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pro·to·col 'prōt-ə-.kȯl, -.kōl, -.käl n
1) an official account of a proceeding esp the notes or records relating to a case, an experiment, or an autopsy
2) a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure <cryotherapy was performed in approximately half of the eyes through a randomization \protocol (Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc.)>
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pro·to·col (proґtə-kol) 1. an explicit, detailed plan of an experiment, procedure, or test. 2. the original notes made on a necropsy, experiment, or case of disease.Medical dictionary. 2011.