
Restoration of diseased or damaged tissues naturally by healing processes or artificially, as by surgical means. [M.E., fr. O.Fr., fr. L. re-paro, fr. re-, back, again, + paro, prepare, put in order]
- chemical r. conversion of a free radical to a stable molecule.
- error-prone r. SYN: SOS r..
- excision r. the use of a complementary DNA strand as a template to replace a damaged segment of DNA.
- mismatch r. replacement of mismatched base pairs by removal of the incorrect base and replacement with the correct base by DNA polymerase.
- recombinatorial r. the incorporation of corresponding DNA of a DNA segment from an identical DNA molecule for the purpose of replacing a damaged segment of DNA.
- SOS r. a system that repairs severely damaged bases in DNA by base excision and replacement, even if there is no template to guide base selection. This process is a last resort for r. and is often the cause of mutations. SYN: error-prone r..
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Reperfusion in Acute Infarction, Rotterdam [study]

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re·pair ri-'pa(ə)r, -'pe(ə)r vt to restore to a sound or healthy state <a surgical procedure to \repair damaged tissue>
repair n
1 a) the act or process of repairing <surgical \repair of a detached retina>
b) an instance or result of repairing
2) the replacement of destroyed cells or tissues by new formations

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re·pair (re-pārґ) 1. restoration to sound condition after damage or injury. 2. physical or mechanical restoration of damaged or diseased tissues by the growth of healthy new cells or by surgical apposition.

Medical dictionary. 2011.