
In dentistry : 1. A prosthetic r. or appliance; a broad term applied to any inlay, crown, bridge, partial denture, or complete denture that restores or replaces lost tooth structure, teeth, or oral tissues. 2. A plug or stopping; any substance such as gold, amalgam, etc., used for restoring the portion missing from a tooth as a result of removing decay in the tooth. [L. restauro, pp. -atus, to restore, to repair]
- acid-etched r. the r. of tooth structure with a resin after the surface of the tooth has been treated with an acid solution that etches the tooth surface, thereby increasing retention of the r..
- combination r. a tooth r. of two or more materials applied in layers.
- compound r. a r. of more than one surface of a tooth.
- direct acrylic r. a direct resin r. of autopolymerizing acrylic.
- direct composite resin r. SYN: direct resin r..
- direct resin r. a direct r. made by inserting a plastic mix of auto- or light-polymerized resins in a cavity prepared in a tooth. SYN: direct composite resin r..
- overhanging r. a r. with excessive material at the junction of the r. margin and the tooth.
- permanent r. a definitive r., in contradistinction to a temporary or provisional r..
- provisional r. SYN: temporary r..
- root canal r. a gutta-percha, silver, or plastic cone that has been carried into a root canal, either alone or in conjunction with a cement, paste, or solvent, for the purpose of obturating the canal space.
- silicate r. r. of lost tooth structure made with silicate cement.
- temporary r. a r. to be used for a limited period of time, in contradistinction to a permanent r.. SYN: provisional r..

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res·to·ra·tion .res-tə-'rā-shən n the act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as
a) a returning to a normal or healthy condition
b) the replacing of missing teeth or crowns also a dental replacement (as a denture) used for restoration

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(in dentistry) any type of dental filling or crown, which is aimed at restoring a tooth to its normal form, function, and appearance. A sealant restoration (or preventive resin restoration) is a combination of a fissure sealant and a small filling.

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res·to·ra·tion (res″tə-raґshən) [L. restaurare to review, rebuild] 1. the act of renewing, rebuilding, or reconstructing. 2. the return to a previous state or condition, as of health. 3. the process of replacing by artificial means a missing, damaged, or diseased tooth or teeth or any part thereof. See also filling and prosthetic r., and see restorative dentistry, under dentistry. 4. the act of re-forming the contours of parts of teeth destroyed by lesions or injury, thereby restoring their functional properties.

Medical dictionary. 2011.