Passage of fat in large amounts in the feces, due to failure to digest and absorb it; occurs in pancreatic disease and the malabsorption syndromes. SYN: fat indigestion. SYN: stearrhea. [steato- + G. rhoia, a flow]
- intestinal s. s. due to malabsorption resulting from intestinal disease. SEE ALSO: sprue, celiac disease.
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ste·at·or·rhea or chiefly Brit ste·at·or·rhoea (.)stēə-'rē-ə n an excess of fat in the stools <idiopathic \steatorrhea>
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ste·a·tor·rhea (ste″ə-to-reґə) [steato- + -rrhea] excessive amounts of fats in the feces, as in malabsorption syndromes.Medical dictionary. 2011.