
sulfuric acid
H2SO4; a colorless, nearly odorless, heavy, oily, corrosive liquid containing 96% of the absolute acid; used occasionally as a caustic. SYN: oil of vitriol.
- fuming s. SYN: Nordhausen s..
- Nordhausen s. s. containing sulfurous acid gas in solution. SYN: fuming s.. [named for Nordhausen, a town in Saxony where it was first prepared]

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sulfuric acid n a heavy corrosive oily dibasic strong acid H2SO4 that is colorless when pure and is a vigorous oxidizing and dehydrating agent see OIL OF VITRIOL

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sul·fur·ic ac·id (səl-fūrґik) a strong mineral acid, H2SO4, that is a strong oxidizing agent and is extremely corrosive to skin and mucous membranes; concentrated sulfuric acid can cause severe skin burns.

Medical dictionary. 2011.