
A group of enzymes that catalyze the calcium-dependent acyl transfer reaction in which the amide moiety of peptide-bound glutaminyl residues serve as acyl donor; a specific t. covalently cross-links fibrin molecules between glutamine and the ε-amino group of a lysyl residue, thus producing a more stable fibrin clot; another t. participates in the formation of the chemically resistant envelope of the stratum corneum during terminal differentiation of keratinocytes.

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trans·glu·ta·min·ase -'glüt-ə-mə-.nās, -glü-'tam-ə-.nāz n a clotting factor that is a variant of factor XIII and that promotes the formation of cross-links between strands of fibrin

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trans·glu·tam·in·ase (trans″gloo-tamґin-ās) protein-glutamine γ-glutamyltransferase.

Medical dictionary. 2011.