
SYN: trunk. [L. stem, trunk]
- t. arteriosus the common arterial trunk opening out of both ventricles in early fetal life, later destined to be divided into aorta and pulmonary artery by development of the spiral septum.
- t. arteriosus communis t. arteriosus.
- t. brachiocephalicus [TA] SYN: brachiocephalic (arterial) trunk.
- t. celiacus [TA] SYN: celiac (arterial) trunk.
- t. corporis callosi [TA] SYN: trunk of corpus callosum.
- t. costocervicalis [TA] SYN: costocervical (arterial) trunk.
- t. encephali [TA] SYN: brainstem.
- t. fascicularis atrioventricularis SYN: atrioventricular bundle. SEE ALSO: conducting system of heart.
- t. inferior plexus brachialis [TA] SYN: inferior trunk of brachial plexus.
- t. linguofacialis [TA] SYN: linguofacial (arterial) trunk.
- t. lumbosacralis [TA] SYN: lumbosacral (nerve) trunk.
- trunci (lymphatici) intestinales [TA] SYN: intestinal (lymphatic) trunks, under trunk.
- trunci (lymphatici) lumbales [TA] SYN: lumbar (lymphatic) trunks, under trunk.
- t. (lymphaticus) bronchiomediastinalis [TA] SYN: bronchomediastinal (lymphatic) trunk.
- t. (lymphaticus) jugularis [TA] SYN: jugular lymphatic trunk.
- t. medius plexus brachialis [TA] SYN: middle trunk of brachial plexus.
- t. nervi accessorii [TA] SYN: accessory nerve trunk.
- persistent t. arteriosus a congenital cardiovascular anomaly resulting from failure of development of the spiral septum and consisting of a common arterial trunk opening out of both ventricles, the pulmonary arteries being given off from the ascending common trunk.
- trunci plexus brachialis [TA] SYN: trunks of brachial plexus, under trunk.
- t. pulmonalis [TA] SYN: pulmonary trunk.
- t. subclavius [TA] SYN: subclavian lymphatic trunk.
- t. superior plexus brachialis [TA] SYN: superior trunk of brachial plexus.
- t. sympathicus [TA] SYN: sympathetic trunk.
- t. thyrocervicalis [TA] SYN: thyrocervical (arterial) trunk.
- t. vagalis SYN: vagal (nerve) trunk.

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trun·cus 'trəŋ-kəs n TRUNK (2)

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a trunk: a main vessel or other tubular organ from which subsidiary branches arise.

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trun·cus (trungґkəs) pl. trunґci [L. “trunk”] trunk: 1. [TA] the main part of the body, to which the head and limbs are attached; called also torso. 2. anatomical nomenclature for a major, undivided, usually short portion of a nerve, blood vessel, lymphatic vessel, or duct.

Medical dictionary. 2011.