
A structure consisting of a collection of blood vessels and lymph vessels that are overgrown and clumped together. Depending on their nature, these structures may grow slowly or quickly. They can cause problems because of their location. For example, a lymphangioma around the voicebox (larynx) might cause a breathing problem.
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Old term for a mass of anomalous lymphatic vessels or channels that vary in size, are usually greatly dilated, and are lined with normal endothelial cells; lymphoid tissue is usually present in the peripheral portions of the lesions, which are present at birth, or shortly thereafter, and probably represent maldevelopment of lymphatic vessels (rather than true neoplasms); they occur most frequently in the neck and axilla, but may also develop in the arm, mesentery, retroperitoneum, and other sites. [lymphangio- + G. -oma, tumor]
- l. cavernosum a condition of conspicuous dilation of lymphatic vessels in a fairly circumscribed region, frequently with the formation of cavities or “lakes” filled with lymph. SYN: cavernous lymphangiectasis.
- l. circumscriptum a congenital nevoid lesion consisting of a circumscribed group of tense lymph vesicles.
- l. cysticum a condition characterized by a fairly well circumscribed group of several or numerous cystlike, dilated vessels or spaces lined with endothelium and filled with lymph. SYN: cystic lymphangiectasis.
- l. simplex a circumscribed region or focus of several to numerous lymphatic vessels that are moderately dilated. SYN: simple lymphangiectasis.
- l. tuberosum multiplex a cutaneous lesion characterized by multiple, slightly red, cystlike nodules (located chiefly on the trunk), resulting from fairly large lymphatic vessels and spaces, and groups of proliferating endothelial cells; the lesion has some gross resemblance to spiradenoma, except for the characteristic location.
- l. xanthelasmoideum a capillary l. with colloid degeneration of the elastic tissues of the skin, characterized by yellow-brown or gray-brown plaques that may be only slightly raised above the surface of the skin.

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lymph·an·gi·o·ma .lim-.fan-jē-'ō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a tumor formed of dilated lymphatic vessels
lymph·an·gi·o·ma·tous -mət-əs adj

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a localized collection of distended lymphatic vessels, which may result in a large cyst in the neck or armpit (cystic hygroma). This can be removed surgically.

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lym·phan·gi·o·ma (lim-fan″je-oґmə) a type of vascular malformation of the lymphatic system, made up of newly formed lymph-containing vascular spaces and channels. Called also angioma lymphaticum. Cf. angioma and hemangioma.

Medical dictionary. 2011.