
1. A worm; any structure or part resembling a worm in shape. 2. [TA] V. cerebelli, the narrow middle zone between the two hemispheres of the cerebellum; the portion projecting above the level of the hemispheres on the upper surface is called the superior v.; the lower portion, sunken between the two hemispheres and forming the floor of the vallecula, is the inferior v.. [L. worm]

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ver·mis 'vər-mis n, pl ver·mes -.mēz
1) either of two parts of the median lobe of the cerebellum:
a) one slightly prominent on the upper surface called also superior vermis
b) one on the lower surface sunk in the vallecula called also inferior vermis
2) the median lobe or part of the cerebellum

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the central portion of the cerebellum, lying between its two lateral hemispheres and immediately behind the pons and the medulla oblongata of the hindbrain.

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ver·mis (vurґmis) [L. “worm”] a wormlike structure, particularly the vermis cerebelli.

Medical dictionary. 2011.