
The fold of skin that covers the head of the penis. Also known as the foreskin. Only about 1 in every 20 boys is born with a retractable foreskin. This reflects the fact that the histologic (tissue) development of the foreskin is usually not complete at birth. The foreskin is thus not fully separable from the glans in about 96% of newborn boys. By a year of 1 year, the foreskin can be retracted in 50% of boys and by 3 years, the foreskin can be retracted in 80% to 90% of uncircumcised boys.
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A free fold of skin that covers. SYN: preputium [TA], foreskin. [L. praeputium, foreskin]
- p. of clitoris [TA] the external fold of the labia minora, forming a cap over the clitoris. SYN: preputium clitoridis.
- hooded p. incomplete circumferential formation of foreskin with a dorsal component (the dorsal hood) but an absent or incomplete ventral portion. Typically seen in boys with hypospadias or isolated chordee. In the rare condition of epispadias, the incomplete portion may be ventral.
- p. of penis [TA] the free fold of skin that covers, more or less completely, the glans penis. SYN: foreskin of penis [TA], preputium penis [TA].
- ventral apron p. the incomplete foreskin seen in epispadias patients typically such that a ventral apron remains.

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pre·puce 'prē-.pyüs n FORESKIN also a similar fold investing the clitoris

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the fold of skin that grows over the end (glans) of the penis. On its inner surface modified sebaceous glands (preputial glands) secrete a lubricating fluid over the glans. The accumulation of this secretion is known as smegma. The foreskin is often surgically removed in infancy (see circumcision). The fold of skin that surrounds the clitoris is also called the prepuce.
preputial adj.

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pre·puce (preґpūs) 1. preputium. 2. preputium penis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.