
1. A preparation made by evaporating a fluid extract to a powder and triturating with milk sugar. 2. A condensation or summary of a scientific or literary article or address. [L. ab-straho, pp. -tractus, to draw away]
- structured a. summary description of a published paper, in which information about the study reported in the paper is set out in a systematic, stylized form under headings such as aims, methods, main outcome measures, results, conclusions.

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ab·stract 'ab-.strakt n
1) a written summary of the key points esp. of a scientific paper
2) a pharmaceutical preparation made by mixing a powdered solid extract of a vegetable substance with lactose in such proportions that one part of the final product represents two parts of the original drug from which the extract was made
ab·stract 'ab-.strakt, ab-' vt to make an abstract of
ab·strac·tor or ab·stract·er -tər n

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ab·stract (abґstrakt) [L. abstractum, from abstrahere to draw off] a summary or epitome of a book, paper, or case history.

Medical dictionary. 2011.