
acetoacetic acid
One of the ketone bodies, formed in excess and appearing in the urine in starvation or diabetes.

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ace·to·ace·tic acid .as-ə-(.)tō-ə-.sēt-ik-, ə-.sēt-ō- n an unstable acid C4H6O3 that is one of the ketone bodies found in abnormal amounts in the blood and urine in certain conditions of impaired metabolism (as in starvation and diabetes mellitus) called also diacetic acid

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an organic acid produced in large amounts by the liver under metabolic conditions associated with a high rate of fatty acid oxidation (for example, in starvation). The acetoacetic acid thus formed is subsequently converted to acetone and excreted. See also ketone.

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ace·to·ace·tic ac·id (ə-se″to-ə-seґtik) one of the ketone bodies (q.v.) produced in the liver and occurring in excess in the urine and blood in ketosis. Called also diacetic or β-ketobutyric acid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.