
second screening
Using a mobile device to monitor and post social media comments about what you are watching on TV or at the movies.
second screener n.
Example Citations:
She also pointed out that The Killing's being subtitled prevents viewers from "second screening", swapping smart-alecky comments about the unfolding drama on Twitter and other social media as they're watching — and so maybe makes them concentrate on the show that little bit harder, and draw more rewards from it.
—Keith Miller, " Fair Isle sweaters optional at the Hay Winter Weekend: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/hay-festival/9705483/Fair-Isle-sweaters-optional-at-the-Hay-Winter-Weekend.html," The Telegraph, December 1, 2012
DCM, which is a joint venture between Odeon and Cineworld, wants to change the perception of what advertising at the cinema can offer and is testing a mobile app that encourages second screening.
—Mindi Chahal, " Blockbuster ads in a digital age: http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/trends/blockbuster-ads-in-a-digital-age/4004988.article," Marketing Week, December 6, 2012
Earliest Citation:
In the US, a joint Nielsen and Yahoo study late last year found that the trend is already well established with over 86% of mobile internet users choosing to communicate with each other in real-time during broadcasts. Now 'second screening' as it is referred to in the States has become common place in the UK too.
—Tom Collinson, " Under 25's swap remote controls for iPhones as 'Social TV' trend takes over: http://www.digital-clarity.com/blog/press-releases/under-25s-swap-remote-controls-for-iphones-as-social-tv-trend-takes-over/," Digital Clarity, March 8, 2011
Notes: Related Words:
third screen
tweet seats
word of post
Social Networking
Cell Phones

New words. 2013.