
Сапожник ходит без сапог
А craftsman who does some kind of work for other people is short of time to do it for his family or himself See У нашей пряхи ни одежды, ни рубахи (У), Чужую кровлю кроешь, а своя каплет (4), Чужую пашню пашет, а своя в залежи (4)
Var.: Портной без кафтана (порток), сапожник без сапог
Cf: The blacksmith's horse and the shoemaker's family always go unshod (Am.). A cobbler's child is always the worst shod (Am.). The cobbler's children usually go unshod (Br.). The cobbler's wife is the worst shod (Br.). The door of the carpenter is loose (Am.). Не who makes shoes goes barefoot (Am.). None more bare than the shoemaker's wife and the smith's mare (Br.). The shoemaker's child goes barefoot (Am.). The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot (Br.). The shoemaker's wife is the worst shod (Br.). The tailor's wife is the worst clad (Br.). The tailor's wife is worse (worst) clad (Am.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.