
A formal document used to record a fact and used as proof of the fact, such as stock certificates, that evidence ownership of stock in a corporation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
Evidence of ownership of a company showing the number of shares and relevant details on the security. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary
Term used by Euronext to designate various types of derivative financial instruments issued by banks, which provide liquidity for them. Certificates are quoted continuously on a special segment of Euronext Paris and are indexed on movements in the underlying. Certificates are used for portfolio hedging or speculation. NYSE Euronext Glossary

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certificate cer‧tif‧i‧cate [səˈtɪfɪkət ǁ sər-] noun [countable]
1. an official document that states that certain facts are true:

• The mother's occupation is not routinely recorded on the birth certificate.

• The merger was completed a year after the certificate of merger was filed.

ˈbank cerˌtificate ACCOUNTING
a document showing how much money a business has in its bank account on a particular date, asked for by people checking the business's accounts
ˈbearer cerˌtificate FINANCE
the document relating to a bond, share etc where the owner's name is not officially recorded, but the owner is considered to be the person who has it in their possession:

• Bearer certificates are negotiable, but the holder has to demonstrate he has the title to them.

US /səˈtɪfɪkət/ noun [C]
an official document that states that the information on it is true, and that is given to someone as proof that they are, have, or own something, or have permission to do something: »

Once a company is registered, notice of its certificate of incorporation must be published in a public newspaper.


When you exercise the share option, you receive a certificate stating how many shares your cash fund has purchased.


birth/death/marriage certificate

a qualification that you receive when you are successful in an examination, or have done a course of training: be awarded/have/hold a certificate in sth »

She holds a certificate in human resource management from San Francisco State University.

See also BANK CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑bank certificate), BEARER CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑bearer certificate), BOND CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑bond certificate), CHARGE CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑charge certificate), DELINQUENT TAX CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑delinquent tax certificate), DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑deposit certificate), DOCTOR'S CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑doctor's certificate), EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑exemption certificate), FIRE CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑fire certificate), GIFT COUPON(Cf. ↑gift coupon), INSURANCE CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑insurance certificate), LAND CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑Land Certificate), MEDICAL CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑medical certificate), PRACTISING CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑practising certificate), SHARE CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑share certificate), STOCK CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑stock certificate), TRANSFER CERTIFICATE(Cf. ↑transfer certificate)

Financial and business terms. 2012.