
A saccular dilation of a canal or duct. [L. a two-handled bottle]
- biliaropancreatic a. hepatopancreatic a..
- a. biliaropancreatica hepatopancreatic a..
- bony ampullae of semicircular canals [TA] a circumscribed dilation of one extremity of each of the three bony semicircular canals, anterior, posterior, and lateral; each contains a membranous a. of the semicircular ducts. SYN: ampullae osseae canalium semicircularium [TA], osseous a..
- a. canaliculi lacrimalis [TA] SYN: a. of lacrimal canaliculus.
- a. chyli SYN: cisterna chyli.
- a. of ductus deferens [TA] the dilation of the ductus deferens at the base of the bladder where it approaches its contralateral partner just before it is joined by the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct. SYN: a. ductus deferentis [TA], Henle a..
- a. ductus deferentis [TA] SYN: a. of ductus deferens.
- a. ductus lacrimalis incorrect term for a. of lacrimal canaliculus.
- duodenal a. 1. SYN: a. of duodenum. 2. SYN: hepatopancreatic a..
- a. duodeni [TA] SYN: a. of duodenum.
- a. of duodenum [TA] the dilated portion of the superior part of the duodenum. SEE ALSO: duodenal cap. SYN: a. duodeni [TA], bulbus duodeni, duodenal a. (1).
- a. of gallbladder SYN: Hartmann pouch.
- Henle a. SYN: a. of ductus deferens.
- hepatopancreatic a. [TA] the dilation within the major duodenal papilla that normally receives both the (common) bile duct and the main pancreatic duct. SYN: a. hepatopancreatica [TA], a. biliaropancreatica, biliaropancreatic a., a. of Vater, duodenal a. (2).
- a. hepatopancreatica [TA] SYN: hepatopancreatic a..
- a. of lacrimal canaliculus [TA] a slight dilation at the angle of the lacrimal canaliculus immediately beyond the lacrimal punctum. SYN: a. canaliculi lacrimalis [TA].
- a. lactifera SYN: lactiferous sinus.
- lactiferous a. SYN: lactiferous sinus.
- a. of lactiferous duct SYN: lactiferous sinus.
- a. membranacea, pl.ampullae membranaceae ductuum semicircularium [TA] SYN: membranous ampullae of the semicircular ducts.
- membranous a. SYN: membranous ampullae of the semicircular ducts.
- membranous ampullae of the semicircular ducts [TA] a nearly spherical enlargement of one end of each of the three semicircular ducts, anterior, posterior, and lateral, where they connect with the utricle. Each contains a neuroepithelial crista ampullaris. SYN: a. membranacea [TA], membranous a..
- a. of milk duct SYN: lactiferous sinus.
- ampullae osseae canalium semicircularium [TA] SYN: bony ampullae of semicircular canals.
- osseous a. SYN: bony ampullae of semicircular canals.
- phrenic a. a physiologic localized dilatation of the distal esophagus, commonly demonstrated by esophagography.
- rectal a. [TA] a dilated portion of the rectum just above the pelvic diaphragm and proximal to the anal canal. SYN: a. recti [TA], a. of rectum.
- a. recti [TA] SYN: rectal a..
- a. of rectum SYN: rectal a..
- Thoma a. a dilation of the arterial capillary beyond the sheathed artery of the spleen.
- a. tubae uterinae [TA] SYN: a. of uterine tube.
- a. of uterine tube [TA] the wide portion of the uterine (fallopian) tube near the fimbriated extremity; it has a complexly folded mucosa with a columnar epithelium of mostly ciliated cells between which are secretory cells. SYN: a. tubae uterinae [TA].
- a. of Vater SYN: hepatopancreatic a..

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am·pul·la am-'pu̇-lə, 'am-.pyü-lə n, pl -lae -.lē a saccular anatomic swelling or pouch: as
a) the dilatation containing a patch of sensory epithelium at one end of each semicircular canal of the ear
b) one of the dilatations of the lactiferous tubules of the mammary glands that serve as reservoirs for milk
c ) (1) the middle portion of the fallopian tube (2) the distal dilatation of a vas deferens near the opening of the duct leading from the seminal vesicle
d) a terminal dilatation of the rectum just before it joins the anal canal

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n. (pl. ampullae)
an enlarged or dilated ending of a tube or canal. The semicircular canals of the inner ear are expanded into ampullae at the point where they join the vestibule. The ampulla of Vater is the dilated part of the common bile duct where it is joined by the pancreatic duct.

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am·pul·la (am-pulґə) gen. and pl. ampulґlae [L. “a jug”] a flasklike dilation of a tubular structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.