
A pear-shaped receptacle on the inferior surface of the liver, in a hollow between the right lobe and the quadrate lobe; it serves as a storage reservoir for bile. SYN: vesica biliaris [TA], vesica fellea, bile cyst, cholecyst, cholecystis, cystis fellea, gall bladder, vesicula fellis.
- Courvoisier g. an enlarged, often palpable g. in a patient with carcinoma of the head of the pancreas. It is associated with jaundice due to obstruction of the common bile duct. See Courvoisier law.
- porcelain g. intramural calcification of the g. commonly associated with g. cancer.
- sandpaper g. a roughened condition of the mucous membrane of the g., associated usually with the presence of gallstones.
- strawberry g. a g. of which the mucosa is dotted with yellowish cholesterol deposits contrasting with the red hyperemic background.

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gall·blad·der 'gȯl-.blad-ər n a membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored called also cholecyst

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gall·blad·der (gawlґblad″ər) vesica biliaris.

Medical dictionary. 2011.