
1. A jelly, or the solid or semisolid phase of a colloidal solution. SYN: gelatum. 2. To form a g. or jelly; to convert a sol into a g.. [Mod. L. gelatum]
- colloidal g. a colloid that has developed resistance to flow because of chemical or thermal change.
- pharmacopeial g. a suspension, in a water medium, of an insoluble drug in hydrated form wherein the particle size approaches or attains colloidal dimensions.
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gel 'jel n a colloid in a more solid form than a sol
gel vi, gelled; gel·ling to change into or take on the form of a gel
gel·able 'jel-ə-bəl adj

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a colloidal suspension that has set to form a jelly. Some insoluble drugs are administered in the form of gels.

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(jel) 1. a colloid in which the solid disperse phase forms a network in combination with the fluid continuous phase to produce a viscous semirigid sol. 2. to form such a compound or any similar semi-solid material.

Medical dictionary. 2011.