
The moiety, —CH3. [G. methy, wine, + hyle, wood]
- active m. a m. group attached to a quaternary ammonium ion or a tertiary sulfonium ion that can take part in transmethylation reactions; e.g., m. groups in choline and in S-adenosyl-l-methionine, which are thus m. donors.
- m. aldehyde SYN: formaldehyde.
- angular m. a m. group attached to carbon 10 (between rings A and B) or to carbon 13 (between rings C and D) of the steroid nucleus.
- m. chloride SYN: chloromethane.
- m. cysteine hydrochloride the m. ester of cysteine hydrochloride; a mucolytic agent.
- m. hydroxybenzoate SYN: methylparaben.
- m. isobutyl ketone in high concentrations it has narcotic action; in relatively low concentrations it may be irritating to the eyes and mucous membranes.
- m. methacrylate a thermoplastic material used for denture bases and as an embedding material for electron microscopy.
- m. nicotinate nicotinic acid m. ester, used as rubefacient.

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meth·yl 'meth-əl, Brit also 'mē-.thīl n an alkyl group CH3 that is derived from methane by removal of one hydrogen atom
me·thyl·ic mə-'thil-ik adj

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meth·yl (methґəl) [Gr. methy wine + hylē wood] the chemical group or radical CH3, sometimes abbreviated Me.

Medical dictionary. 2011.