
A phenol of naphthalene, occurring in two forms: α-n., a dye intermediate used in cytochemistry for l-arginine localization; β-n., also known as isonaphthol, used as an anthelmintic and antiseptic. Both forms are also used in the manufacture of dyes, organic chemicals, and rubber products. SYN: naphthalenol.

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naph·thol 'naf-.thȯl, 'nap-, -.thōl n either of two isomeric derivatives C10H8O of naphthalene found in coal tar or made synthetically:
a) one used chiefly in synthesizing dyes called also alpha-naphthol
b) one used chiefly as an intermediate (as for dyes and pharmaceuticals) and esp. formerly in medicine as an antiseptic and parasiticide called also beta-naphthol

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naph·thol (nafґthol) a crystalline, antiseptic substance from coal tar occurring in two forms, α- or 1-naphthol and β- or 2-naphthol, used in dyes, organic synthesis, perfumes, insecticides, and formerly in pharmaceutical compounds; it is toxic by ingestion and skin absorption. See also under poisoning.

Medical dictionary. 2011.