
A covering or rooflike structure; e.g., a tectorium, tectum, tegmen, tegmentum, integument. [A.S. hrof]
- r. of fourth ventricle [TA] SYN: tegmen ventriculi quarti.
- r. of mouth SYN: palate.
- r. of orbit [TA] formed by the orbital plate of the frontal bone and the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone, the optic canal opens at its posterior limit; an indentation, the fossa for the lacrimal gland, is located in the anterolateral part of the r.. SYN: paries superior orbitae [TA], superior wall of orbit.
- r. of skull SYN: calvaria.
- r. of tympanic cavity SYN: tegmental wall of tympanic cavity.
- r. of tympanum SYN: tegmen tympani.
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retro-orbital orbicular fat

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roof 'rüf, 'ru̇f n, pl roofs 'rüfs, 'ru̇fsalso 'rüvz, 'ru̇vz
1) the vaulted upper boundary of the mouth supported largely by the palatine bones and limited anteriorly by the dental lamina and posteriorly by the uvula and upper part of the fauces
2) a covering structure of any of various parts of the body other than the mouth <\roof of the skull> <\roof of the dental pulp chamber>

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(rf) a covering structure; see also tectum and tegmen.

Medical dictionary. 2011.