
Osteitis is inflammation of the bone. For example, patients with what is called the SAPHO syndrome develop osteitis — the O in SAPHO stands for oteitis — and the bone inflammation typically affects the sacroiliac joints (sacroiliitis) and the spine (spondylitis). This leads to pain and stiffness in the back and neck.
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Inflammation of bone. SYN: ostitis. [osteo- + G. -itis, inflammation]
- alveolar o. SYN: alveoalgia.
- caseous o. tuberculous caries in bone.
- central o. 1. SYN: osteomyelitis. 2. SYN: endosteitis.
- o. condensans ilii (con-den′sanz il′e-i) symmetric benign osteosclerosis of the portion of the iliac bones adjacent to the sacroiliac joints.
- condensing o. SYN: sclerosing o..
- cortical o. periostitis with involvement of the superficial layer of bone.
- o. deformans SYN: Paget disease (1).
- o. fibrosa circumscripta SYN: monostotic fibrous dysplasia.
- o. fibrosa cystica increased osteoclastic resorption of calcified bone with replacement by fibrous tissue, caused by primary hyperparathyroidism or other causes of the rapid mobilization of mineral salts. SYN: parathyroid osteosis, Recklinghausen disease of bone.
- o. fibrosa disseminata SYN: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia.
- focal condensing o. SYN: chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis.
- hematogenous o. any o. caused by infection carried in the bloodstream.
- localized o. fibrosa SYN: monostotic fibrous dysplasia.
- multifocal o. fibrosa SYN: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia.
- o. pubis osteosclerosis of the pubic bone next to the symphysis, caused by trauma to that region, from pregnancy or instrumentation.
- renal o. fibrosa SYN: renal rickets.
- sclerosing o. fusiform thickening or increased density of bones, of unknown cause; it has been considered a form of chronic nonsuppurative osteomyelitis. SYN: condensing o., Garré disease.
- o. tuberculosa multiplex cystica an o. of tuberculous origin, marked by numerous small cavities in the osseous substance. SYN: Jüngling disease.

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os·te·itis .äs-tē-'īt-əs n, pl -it·i·des -'it-ə-.dēz inflammation of bone called also ostitis
os·te·it·ic -'it-ik adj

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inflammation of bone, due to infection, damage, or metabolic disorder. Osteitis fibrosa cystica refers to the characteristic cystic changes that occur in bones during long-standing hyperparathyroidism. See also Paget's disease.

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os·te·itis (os″te-iґtis) [osteo- + -itis] inflammation of a bone, involving the haversian spaces, canals, and their branches, and generally the medullary cavity, and marked by enlargement of the bone, tenderness, and a dull, aching pain. See also osteomyelitis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.