
1. SYN: specific absorption coefficient. 2. SYN: molar absorption coefficient. 3. The ability of a material to absorb electromagnetic radiation.
- molar a. SYN: molar absorption coefficient.

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ab·sorp·tiv·i·ty əb-.sȯrp-'tiv-ət-ē, -.zȯrp- n, pl -ties the property of a body that determines the fraction of incident radiation absorbed by the body

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ab·sorp·tiv·i·ty (ab″sorp-tivґĭ-te) a measure of the amount of light absorbed by a solution, defined as the absorbance per unit concentration per unit length of light path. By Beer's law (q.v.) absorptivity is proportional to the concentration of the absorbing solute. Called also absorbancy index, absorption constant, absorption coefficient, and extinction coefficient.

Medical dictionary. 2011.