
Без худа добра не бывает
Every thing has its defects. See Во всяком хлебе мякина есть (B), И на солнце есть пятна (И), Лес без лешего не стоит (Л), Нет розы без шипов (H), Нет сладкого без горького (H)
Cf: Every advantage has its disadvantage (Am.). Every light has its shadow (Am., Br.). Every white has its black (Br.). Не is a gentle horse that never cast his rider (Br.). No corn without chaff (Br.). No land without stones, or meat without bones (Br.). No summer but has its winter (Br.). There is nothing perfect in the world (Br.). There's good and bad in everything (Am.). There was never a good town but had a mire at one end of it (Br.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.