
И на солнце есть пятна
The best people or things have some defect See Без худа добра не бывает (Б), Все мы люди, все мы человеки (B), И в сосне дупло есть (И), И на жемчуге бывает царапина (И), Мяса без костей не бывает b (M), Нет дороги без изъяна (H), Нет розы без шипов (H)
Cf: Every light has its shadow (Am., Br.). Every man has his faults (Am., Br.). Every man has his weak side (Br.). Every man has the defects of his /own/ virtues (his qualities) (Br.). Every sky has its cloud (Am.). No gold (silver) without his dross (Br.). None of us are perfect (Am.). None's so good that's good at all (Br.). No sun without a shadow (Br.). Nothing is perfect (Am., Br.). A prize apple can have a worm inside (Br.). The reddest apple may have a worm in it (Am.). There are spots /even/ on (in) the sun (Br.). There is nothing perfect in the world (Am.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.