
На бедного Макара все шишки валятся
Troubles always befall an unlucky and miserable person. See К мокрому теленку все мухи льнут (K), Кому не повезет, тот и на ровном месте упадет (K), На убогого всюду каплет (H), По бедному Захару всякая щепа бьет (П)
Var.: На бедного Макара все шишки валятся - и с сосен, и с ёлок
Cf: All the Tracys have always the wind in their faces (Br.). Flies go to (hunt) the lean horse (Br.). The lean dog is all fleas (Am.). A man born to misfortune will fall on his back and fracture his nose (Am.). No butter will stick to his bread (Br.). An unfortunate (unlucky) man would be drowned in a tea-cup (Br.). An unhappy man's cart is easy to overthrow (Am.). An unhappy man's cart is easy to tumble (Br.). What is worse than ill luck? (Br.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.