
1) General subject: catch, find one's way (how did it find its way into print? - как это попало в печать?), get in (в учебное заведение и т.п.), hit, plump into, score a hit (в цель), to be caught (под дождь и т.п.), find the way (куда-л.), hit the mark (промахнуться), make the cut (The mother of a 12-year-old boy wants to know why there's no room for her son at a local high school this fall while five international students from Asia still make the cut.), strike (One bullet struck him in the arm, the other in his liver. - пуля попала), be involved (попасть в дорожную аварию)
2) Colloquial: be in a bind, be in a jam, be in a tough spot, be in trouble, be up the creek without a paddle, plump, walk
3) Sports: break into
4) Engineering: enter
5) Mathematics: find oneself, get into, hit a target
6) Automobile industry: fall into (напр. о включении зубчатой муфты)
7) Jargon: plug, be stuffed (влипнуть, оказаться в затруднительном положении)
8) Information technology: make it into
9) Makarov: find way, come at (к кому-л.)
10) Taboo: be up shit creek without a paddle (Ну мы попали. Теперь нас выгонят с работы. We're in trouble now! We'll be fired for sure!; оказаться в трудной ситуации to find oneself in a difficult situation)

Универсальный русско-английский словарь. . 2011.