- l. auriculae [TA] SYN: lobule of auricle.
- l. biventralis SYN: biventer lobule.
- l. centralis corporis cerebelli [TA] SYN: central lobule of cerebellum.
- l. clivi SYN: declive.
- l. culminis SYN: culmen.
- l. cuneiformis SYN: biventer lobule.
- lobuli epididymidis [TA] SYN: lobules of epididymis, under lobule.
- l. folii the part of the superior vermis of the cerebellum lying immediately behind the posterior superior fissure and caudal to the l. clivi.
- l. fusiformis SYN: fusiform gyrus.
- l. gracilis gracile lobule.
- l. hepatis [TA] SYN: lobules of liver, under lobule.
- l. paracentralis [TA] SYN: paracentral lobule.
- l. paramedianus [TA] SYN: gracile lobule.
- l. quadrangularis SYN: quadrangular lobule.
- l. simplex [TA] SYN: simple lobule.
- lobuli thymi [TA] SYN: lobules of thymus, under lobule.
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lob·u·lus (lobґu-ləs) gen. and pl. loґbuli [L., dim of lobus] lobule: a small lobe or one of the primary divisions of a lobe.Medical dictionary. 2011.