
1. To make a hole with a small pointed object, such as a needle. 2. A prick or small hole made with a pointed instrument. [L. punctura, fr. pungo, pp. punctus, to prick]
- Bernard p. SYN: diabetic p..
- cisternal p. passage of a hollow needle through the posterior atlantooccipital membrane into the cerebellomedullary cistern.
- diabetic p. a p. at a point in the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain that causes glycosuria. SYN: Bernard p..
- lumbar p. a p. into the subarachnoid space of the lumbar region to obtain spinal fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. SYN: Quincke p., rachicentesis, rachiocentesis, spinal p., spinal tap.
- Quincke p. SYN: lumbar p..
- spinal p. SYN: lumbar p..
- sternal p. removal of bone marrow from the manubrium by needle.
- tracheoesophageal p. a surgical procedure to restore vocal function in patients who have had a laryngectomy by creating a tracheoesophageal fistula through which the laryngectomee forces air from the trachea into the esophagus to produce sound that is articulated into speech.

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punc·ture 'pəŋ(k)-chər n
1) an act of puncturing
2) a hole, wound, or perforation made by puncturing
puncture vb, punc·tured; punc·tur·ing 'pəŋ(k)-chə-riŋ, 'pəŋ(k)-shriŋ vt to pierce with or as if with a pointed instrument or object <\puncture the skin with a needle> vi to become punctured

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1. n. a wound made accidentally or deliberately by a sharp object or instrument. Puncture wounds need careful treatment as a small entry hole in the skin can disguise serious injury in an underlying organ or tissue. Punctures are also performed for diagnostic purposes using a hollow needle, in order to withdraw a sample of tissue or fluid for examination; needle punctures are used especially for obtaining tissue samples for the liver, bone marrow, or breast. See also lumbar puncture.
2. vb. to pierce a tissue with a sharp instrument or needle.

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punc·ture (pungkґchər) [L. punctura] 1. the act of piercing or penetrating with a pointed object or instrument. 2. a wound so made.

Medical dictionary. 2011.