
1. Any structure resembling a veil or curtain. SYN: veil (1), velamen, velamentum. 2. SYN: caul (1). 3. SYN: greater omentum. 4. Any serous membrane or membranous envelope or covering. [L. veil, sail]
- anterior medullary v. SYN: superior medullary v..
- inferior medullary v. [TA] a thin sheet of white matter, hidden by the cerebellar tonsil, attached along the peduncle of the flocculus and, at or near the midline, to the nodulus of the vermis; it is continuous caudally with the epithelial lamina and choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle. SYN: v. medullare inferius [TA], posterior medullary v., Tarin valve, valvula semilunaris tarini, v. semilunare, v. tarini.
- v. interpositum SYN: tela choroidea of third ventricle.
- v. medullare inferius [TA] SYN: inferior medullary v..
- v. medullare superius [TA] SYN: superior medullary v..
- v. palatinum soft palate.
- v. pendulum palati SYN: soft palate.
- posterior medullary v. SYN: inferior medullary v..
- v. semilunare SYN: inferior medullary v..
- superior medullary v. [TA] the thin layer of white matter stretching between the two superior cerebellar peduncles, forming the roof of the superior recess of the fourth ventricle. SYN: v. medullare superius [TA], anterior medullary v., Vieussens valve.
- v. tarini SYN: inferior medullary v..
- v. terminale SYN: lamina terminalis of cerebrum.
- transverse v. a fold in the dorsal wall of the embryonic brain at the boundary between the telencephalon and diencephalon. SYN: v. transversum.
- v. transversum SYN: transverse v..
- v. triangulare SYN: tela choroidea of third ventricle.

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ve·lum 'vē-ləm n, pl ve·la -lə a membrane or membranous part resembling a veil or curtain: as

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(in anatomy) a veil-like covering. The medullary velum is either of two thin layers of tissue that form part of the roof of the fourth ventricle of the brain.

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ve·lum (veґləm) pl. veґla [L.] a veil or veillike structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.